Psychoanalysis is a method for the investigation of the Unconscious and a specialized technique and approach to the treatment of human suffering of all kinds, which includes the many forms of psychopathology that are described in our common psychiatric and popular language today and other forms of suffering that simply cannot be labeled and placed under a simple, observable description of behaviour.

As the unconscious is always producing its effects through various forms, we come to recognize its representations and manifestations in the production of symptoms that can appear in the body (unexplainable physical pains and sensations that don’t have a organic cause) and mind (obsessional and intrusive thoughts), in the gaps of self knowledge, parapraxis (slips of the tongue), unsuccessful/self-defeating acts and in the production of dreams and fantasies, amongst others.

We all experience certain manifestations of the unconscious in our everyday lives, although we seldom take notice of these or more commonly, use methods and behaviors (sometimes destructively) to help push aside those manifestations that cause us suffering and pain.

Unlike the certain forms of therapy that takes each psychological symptom and explains it away in a generalized sense, the psychoanalytic method takes each individuals symptom and expression of the unconscious as something unique to the individual, as something that is not separate from their history and experience and that has a knowledge unknown to them.

Lacanian Psychoanalysis

Like other forms of therapy, there are a number of different theoretical and clinical schools of training and education. My own training and education has been in the Lacanian field of psychoanalysis and I have done many years of training, supervision and my own personal psychoanalysis.

Is it right for me?

Psychoanalytic therapy is suitable for all individuals and is a highly effective method of therapy and treatment, whether its for the treatment of psychical conflicts or as a way to further your own understanding of who you are.

Darren.C, Melbourne 
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‘As most people would, I was scared and apprehensive about taking the first steps to counselling, but soon was in a trusting frame of mind and Paul and I developed a great professional and friendly relationship. I can say with confidence that my day-to-day situations have now become easier to handle, with the help provided by Paul’
Allan.R, Melbourne 
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‘Paul helped me to delve further into the dilemmas I had been dealing with for a while and his insightful approach helped me to help myself in a way that helped me make better choices for myself’  
K.P, Melbourne 
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“After going through the counselling process with Paul, the changes in my life and relationships have been remarkable. Although it was difficult to confront the problems I was facing and I had put it off for many years, with Paul’s help I have been able to get past these and learn from those experiences and face them with a new outlook and self-understanding”
W. Matthews, Melbourne 
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“I would highly recommend anyone who is thinking about going to therapy to work with Paul to help them through even the most difficult of times and troubles, as his ability to work with you patiently and empathically will be of great benefit to your life”
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“I have been attending sessions with Paul on a weekly basis and I have found that his listening skills and attention to detail are outstanding. It wasn’t long before I found myself comfortable and confident with sharing information with Paul, with his in-depth questions and ability to provide peace of mind"
T.L, Melbourne 
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“Like many people seeking professional help, I has seen other counsellors and therapist over the years but my experience with Paul was a more insightful and well-rounded experience. Having helped me through a very difficult period in my life, I was grateful for his expertise and experience"

I offer counselling, psychotherapy &
psychoanalytic therapy for individuals
and relationship & marriage counselling
for couples in Melbourne.


I see individuals and couples from
Monday to Friday in Carlton.

96 Elgin Street
Melbourne 3053


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